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7th edition art is the best
Posted By: Critiquer (10/28/2010 7:23:53 AM)


I hope you mean just for this card and not the whole set. 7th had some of the worst art the game has ever seen.

EDIT: Okay, I'll back up my claim. Greed. Disrupting Scepter. The Diamonds. Crystal Rod. Air Elemental. Rampant Growth. Coat of Arms. They're not all bad as in "lacking artistic skill," they're bad as in "doesn't accurately depict what is conveyed by the text" or "conveys the subject in a bland and unflavorful fashion." Rampant Growth shows a guy getting strangled by vines. Rampant Growth, then, is expected to be a kill spell, but as you know, it isn't. Coat of Arms shows one person standing alone. Coat of Arms is terrible if you're playing with only one creature. Disrupting Scepter is a card that represent... (see all)
Posted By: tenkaze (11/15/2011 3:22:29 PM)


7th Edition art is the best. Name one card from 7th with bad art.
Posted By: NuckChorris (11/15/2011 1:20:45 PM)


Disagree, those are great artworks, and they represent the card fine. I prefer allot of 7th edition art! But Thorn Elemental I prefer the Urza version
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (10/23/2012 2:28:06 AM)


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