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Best flavor text, ever.
Posted By: True_Mumin (8/22/2009 12:07:06 PM)


"I don't think so" the best flavour text ever ! it should be printed on every counterspells. Nice card, but Daze is better.
Posted By: True_Smog (10/19/2009 9:56:48 AM)


I love this spell. 7th edition version especially.
Dont know why, but it will always get 5/5 from me.
Posted By: ParadoxCry (3/27/2010 3:48:43 PM)


Your opponent is like, turn 2 Storm Crow FTW, and you're like, "I don't think so!"
Posted By: Mudbutt_on (3/6/2010 9:46:02 PM)


One of my buddies in my playgroup refused to play me for a month after I used this card once. On my first turn I dropped an island and passed back to him. He was all DARK RITUAL DARK RITUAL DARK RITUAL DARK RITUAL SPIRIT OF THE NIGHT HAHA YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY WIN! And I was like uh force spike. You generated 9 mana, but sunk it all into one creature. And then he ragequitted.
Posted By: allmighty_abacus (11/7/2010 4:05:02 PM)


Still not as rewarding as Mana Tithe xD
Posted By: Crag-Hack (7/27/2011 5:54:58 PM)


That's not "ragequitting" IMO. You 5-for-1'd him. That's equivalent to a one sided wrath mid-late-game or something else huge. He had no chance of winning. I quit early somewhat often because a combo won't "go off" and I'll have wasted too many resources to attempt it again.. or something.

The overusage of "ragequit" is a bit annoying because there's a huge difference. I DO ragequit some games. Others I concede. How is it a term that's been respectfully and rightly used for centuries is over-written, by what amounts to an insult, in every context.

With that, Force spike is decent for establishing early control against good decks. Whenever I think it's in a deck, I don't play a first turn card unless I don't care about it.
Posted By: blurrymadness (4/24/2011 11:37:48 AM)


is that star wars themed?
i mean, 'force'?
and of course, obi wan kenobi uses that line from the flavor text
Posted By: Mr.Shrike (9/15/2009 12:59:15 PM)


Type your comment here.
Posted By: thegatekeeper (1/10/2011 3:54:15 PM)


Beast counter for the early game. How often do you see a mage with 1 mana open? And games 2-3 there tempo will be halted, because they will always try to leave a mana open to cast things.

So in some situations it could read, "If you have x4 force spike in your library and your opponent knows it, all his or her spells cost 1 more."
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (12/21/2012 6:38:21 AM)


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