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Community Rating: 3.054 / 5  (28 votes)
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Against a pure green deck, Deathgrip is devastating. Just make sure you have 2 black mana available when they try to cast Tranquility. Black isn't known for its counterspells, so this color-hoser is particularly interesting. Combine with blue and Sleight of Mind to wreak havoc on any mono-colored deck.
Posted By: Eppek_the_Goblin (1/18/2010 7:51:58 PM)


Black's version of Lifeforce. This card is really nasty, as green had, for a long time, a serious shortage of spells that could deal with enchantments.

If you're sideboarding against green, it is pretty tough to beat this card. It can counter multiple spells per turn, so as long as you can fuel it, you're good to go.

Worth mentioning that this guy is one of the many color hatred spells that work exceptionally well with blue color/land changers like sleight of mind.

Posted By: Gaussgoat (2/23/2010 10:20:39 AM)


Hose dat Green Deck!
3/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (2/5/2013 6:42:36 PM)


This card, and Lifeforce are great for Allied-Colored Pentagram format.
Posted By: car2n (2/19/2014 2:25:12 PM)


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