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Back in the early days of Magic, many cards were printed that didn't exactly fit the color pie as we know it today. Creature Bond was just such a card. This aura has a very black feel to it. Not only does it have a black feel to it, but it would probably have suited black better. Blue's removal tends to send things back to players' hands - not to their graveyards, making this card a bit suboptimal. You could enchant a creature with this and then ping it to death with Prodigal Sorcerers and Pirate Ships, but that probably means the creature has a low toughness, and Creature Bond isn't going to do much damage. Otherwise, you'll have to rely on your big creatures to kill off theirs (Siren's Call might help in this). But Creature Bond is best paired with black and efficient creature removal.
Posted By: Eppek_the_Goblin (1/15/2010 10:02:59 PM)


Eppek's breakdown is excellent. If anything, this card is probably better in modern decks due to devastating removal like Doom Blade lurking in mutli-color decks. Black/Blue combos are pretty nasty with this guy, especially for the low casting cost.

Posted By: Gaussgoat (2/2/2010 12:20:44 PM)


Keeper of the Sacred Word, Donate, then Doom Blade
Posted By: Unknown89089 (2/13/2011 2:45:06 PM)


A damage dealing, blue version of Banewasp Affliction.

Both of these cards are pretty bad, usually costing you this + another card (removal) for a very marginal effect.

Posted By: Infini- (3/26/2012 2:11:04 PM)


Typical card of the time. One-time use, limited effect and highly predictable. I rememebr the days when magic was a slow game with limited combos. One turn 2 or so, my opponent would cast this on my creature, then on turn 3 do terror or lightning bolt.
Posted By: bagilis (8/26/2010 7:59:58 AM)


Non UB decks, ragged veins is what you're looking for. Move on.
Posted By: patronofthesound (7/16/2013 4:13:43 PM)


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