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Community Rating: 4.391 / 5  (46 votes)
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Blue doesn't have a whole lot of artifact removal, but Energy Flux puts a heavy cost on all artifacts. While it isn't a guarantee, and doesn't allow for targeted removal, it puts a huge burden on any deck that relies heavily on artifacts. Mana generating artifacts are mostly neutralized by this enchantment. In Revised, Shatterstorm is the best card for mass artifact destruction, but one could argue that Energy Flux, which stays around turn after turn rather than just wiping out all the artifacts on the battlefield at any given time, is a more lasting protection against artifacts.
Posted By: Eppek_the_Goblin (3/14/2010 5:04:08 PM)


Hardly a total lockdown, but some nice supressive control if used in conjunction with other limiting cards.
Posted By: Gaussgoat (12/29/2009 6:18:13 AM)


awesome board card against stacks.
Posted By: krumtheslow (10/28/2010 4:13:35 PM)


how else does blue stop raffinity?
Posted By: thelittleupsman (11/13/2010 12:18:58 AM)


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