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Community Rating: 2.985 / 5  (33 votes)
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Sub-Zero wins...FATALITY!
Posted By: solidzaku (8/17/2011 2:48:27 PM)


I used it in a blue creature deck. Didn't have a way to do damage, didn't need to. They always stayed locked down and creatures don't usually stay in the graveyard anyways.
Posted By: Tommy9898 (2/28/2010 11:48:05 PM)


Im surprised by the 3/5 average rating this card currently has.

I found this card while looking through a large box of random unorganized common/uncommons at a comic book store, so I could have found anything really. But I spotted this guy, and just read it for the hell of it. I fell in love at first sight.

First of all, you can put it on a tapped OR untapped creature. Put it on a tapped one, that creature is pretty much good as dead (unless they have something to destroy the enchantment). Put it on one that ISNT tapped, then that player who controls that creature is forced to make the decision on when to use their card. They have pretty much one chance, then thats it.

The only way out of this is to have cards that destroy enchantments, or untap a creature, the latter of which I havent seen too much of outside of blue.

It's like Paralyzing Grasp with a bit of death.
Posted By: NocteMundi (3/16/2011 12:17:57 AM)



Despite the crass nature of your comment, I have to admit, I laughed a bit.
Posted By: EpicBroccoli (1/29/2011 2:18:11 PM)


Blue seldom gets creature-kill, so at 3 mana and with lockdown this is good.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (2/2/2010 8:18:52 PM)


for creature kill id rather use pongify
Posted By: Havens (2/24/2010 10:11:28 AM)


that's how i like my mother
Posted By: ttian (3/27/2009 9:58:22 AM)


5/5 just for the flavor
Posted By: JumajMajdzi (11/3/2011 9:00:52 AM)


I won an epically long game with this and creature bond and prodigal sorcerer. My friend had a 46/46 ajanis pride mate and was at 45 life. I frozen solid and creature bond the pridemate and ping it with prodigal sorcerer. Game over. Fck yeah
Posted By: ThatGuyYouHate (1/10/2012 2:50:21 AM)


Compare with Claustrophobia.

It's identical except for the fact that instead of having the triggered ability, it taps the creature when it enters.
So depending on how good you can make use of this triggered destruction, you probably prefer either one.
Posted By: Mode (10/6/2013 4:03:55 AM)


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