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This is the Planeshifted version of Verduran Enchantress.
Posted By: Undertakerx7 (11/13/2011 7:55:55 PM)


Each has their advantages, but overall I prefer the Argothian Enchantress.
Posted By: Kirbster (7/11/2010 11:14:07 PM)


This has the time shifted Border but the rules don't say what it's shifted from and i can't think of any thing. Is it from a green card?
Posted By: StagemasterK (12/3/2009 4:19:12 PM)


But you can make Mesa/Verduran the target of any auras you cast, which you can't do with Argothian.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (1/27/2010 5:40:27 AM)


"Out shined? No. Argothian Enchantress says you have to draw a card every time you cast an Enchantment. Verduran and Mesa, let you PICK if you want to draw or not"

If you can't win before you deck yourself, I don't think it's the enchantress who should take the blame.
Posted By: scumbling1 (5/4/2011 4:58:57 PM)


Verduran Enchantress, I believe. Both forever out-shined by Argothian Enchantress.
Posted By: Ritius (12/18/2009 11:53:37 PM)


Finally, enchantment rape for white.
Posted By: McThor (4/30/2010 9:39:03 AM)


Out shined? No. Argothian Enchantress says you have to draw a card every time you cast an Enchantment. Verduran and Mesa, let you PICK if you want to draw or not. Maybe you've never played an Enchantress or Vercursion deck, but I can tell you, you deck yourself FAST with Argothian in play. These things draw cards up so fast you really probably wouldn't notice just how fast it is until you try.

I've literally decked myself when I first started playtesting a deck that started out at 87 cards, in like 12 turns. I drew THAT many cards. In a 60 card deck, which is what I worked down to, I hate to Sideboard the Argothian so I wouldn't flat out deck myself with Shimmering Wings and Sigil of the empty Throne.
Posted By: SlackWareWolf (2/20/2010 6:22:39 AM)


This is the timeshifted version of Verduran Enchantress.
Posted By: Zorgrath (7/27/2013 2:14:38 AM)


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