Once upon a time, only really special creatures had this ability. Nowadays, common creatures are printed with this ability, and it hardly has any effect on the casting cost. In Revised, only the iconic Shivan Dragon had built-in firebreathing. Even Dragon Whelp had a limited form of it. Firebreathing turned any creature into quite the menace. Stick this on your Mons's Goblin Raiders in a pure red deck, and suddenly the goblins aren't so funny any more. Put it on a small creature and then use Dwarven Warriors to make that creature unblockable for added fun. Better still, put it on your Uthden Troll for an extremely deadly blocker that just won't go away.
Posted By:
(3/14/2010 8:51:59 PM)
lol I love that this printing doesn't say, "until end of turn". It makes it easy to mess with people who don't know the rules very well.
Posted By:
(1/9/2011 9:01:37 PM)
This used to be pretty good in its day.
These days, firebreathing is everywhere and paying R for +1/+0 isn't even that good. It's a throwaway ability, but back in the day, Magic was a lot slower (on average), so being able to turn an early game thread into a late game one was nothing to sneeze at.
Posted By:
(7/4/2013 5:04:50 AM)