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This dude has a ton of flavor text attributions; how he's an on-curve common I don't understand. It'd have been cool if they kept him at common but made him a Legend. Maybe a minor stat boost or first strike to compensate.

As it is, the poor Viashino are one of the worst types in the game. Their leader is a non-legendary common with no advantage!
Posted By: BegleOne (6/20/2011 4:29:18 AM)


Viashino decks are flavorful but mediocre.
That having been said, they lay down the law on all merfolk decks with Volcanic Fallouts.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (6/27/2010 10:24:03 PM)


The real irony is that Shatterskull Giant doesn't even see play (despite power creep) and we still keep getting HIll Giant clones, even though they are really lame in this day and age.

As for this card, lame back then, doubly so today.
Posted By: Radagast (12/19/2010 8:36:28 AM)


This should have been a legend named Fire Eye, Viashino Bey.
Posted By: getz19 (3/16/2011 9:53:05 AM)


As if Lowland Giant (which was printed before this), Shatterskull Giant, and Ogre Resister weren't bad enough, now Bloodfray Giant outclasses all of them.
Posted By: HuntingDrake (5/17/2013 1:11:49 AM)


Let me tell ya, this guy sayeth a lot of things for a non-legendary common creature.
Posted By: Kirbster (10/21/2013 12:26:38 AM)


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