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Community Rating: 2.833 / 5  (36 votes)
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A later edition of one of the first cards I really started playing green with. Classic, simple, and powerful in the sense of what it needs to be.
3/5 for a classic casual favorite.
Posted By: Lateralis0ne (5/26/2010 7:03:43 PM)


Not that great, but considering how many worse vanilla creatures have existed, this one is okay.
Posted By: Radagast (12/1/2011 9:50:27 AM)


I really like this card, I got it in the green, eight'd edition starter deck; Heavy Hitters, it was my best fighting force so I traded more of them and now I own 4 of them.
He isn't cheap, that's of course the bad side of this card, but if you put many forests in your deck it shouldn't be a problem at all.

How I use this card in a play:
Firstly you summon some small creatures to block the attacks from your opponent, and if you have enough mana collected(because he isn't cheap), you summon it and attack your opponent every turn with it, or even more heavy creatures, you shouldn't attack with your smaller minions, because you need to tap them of course.
Posted By: GoGo26 (3/14/2009 11:57:14 AM)


This is a classic card, in no small part due to the fact that its the first powehouse a lot of green players ever used.
Posted By: sir_dwar (8/18/2009 10:37:39 AM)


Yeah, GoGo26, he's not a bad vanilla creature. I'd use him in a casual deck too. Actually, I'm pretty fond of Vastwood Gorger too... I use him in a fun deck with a buncha Urza lands.
Posted By: nammertime (11/26/2009 9:39:38 AM)


Is GoGo a troll, or...?
Posted By: Doaj (9/16/2012 4:58:51 AM)


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