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@ CyanCentaur:
Yes, in your example Story Circle would indeed protect YOU from Progenitus.
Posted By: MorIthron-89 (4/12/2011 1:43:19 PM)


Salient's Comment- final proof that Gatherer's Censor is a complete farce. lmao.

For the actual card, I'm not sure if I want to run this over Voice of All in my Kaalia deck or not. 4cmc seems to be something of a hindrance in a deck that wants to jump from 3-6 off of Kaalia, and Voice is costed a bit cheap so that odds are you won't play it off of Kaalia- you'll just cast.

Also, definitely would not consider using both. One is a good back up, both is just being a lame Lockdown deck, which isn't fun :p

Hmm...how about 2 Circles of Protection instead? Just the Red one and the Black one...yeah. I think I'll do that. (I don't play optimally I know. I don't try to either so it works.)
Posted By: DarthParallax (10/31/2011 9:00:56 PM)


I may prefer this to Voice of All, but what's to stop me from running both! White Deck Wins.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (8/13/2012 12:29:42 AM)


Combine with Ghostly Prison/Norn's Annex/Leyline of Sanctity for true White lockdown. The good part about this combo is that each card is very good by itself, and if you never see them together your opponent is still having a hard time. The last one is still best left in the sideboard, though.
Posted By: Bobth (2/16/2013 2:03:04 PM)


Whoa, the art on this one is way way way better. I love this.
Posted By: blurrymadness (4/9/2013 9:29:52 AM)


So, to all you *** Sapiens out there, as Salients comment proves Gatherer finds you offensive. Puny mortals.
Posted By: NissasChosen (11/9/2013 10:07:43 PM)


Couldn't anyone take Aleksi Briclot aside for a moment and quietly advise that this art might be a little too... what's the word I'm looking for? Evocative? Risque? ... ***erotic? ... I've never seen a male opponent activate a tenth edition Story Circle without making an obscene hand gesture.

(Edit: sort of ironic that Wizards of the Coast censored a word that gets casually tossed around in Art Appreciation 101 classes, but printed this picture. Also sort of weird - they didn't censor "erotic.")
Posted By: Salient (12/14/2013 7:24:55 PM)


The art reminds me of the OG Venser, Shaper Savant art (Future Sight)
Posted By: Gcrudaplaneswalker (2/17/2014 11:37:02 AM)


@DoragonShinzui: More like Rune of Protection: Whatever
because circle of protection uses colorless mana and that's significant in multicolor decks.
Posted By: raptorman333 (5/7/2014 9:06:35 AM)


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