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Community Rating: 3.106 / 5  (33 votes)
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Golum meets Dracula...
Posted By: Jokergius (3/16/2011 10:07:33 PM)


Great great card, man. 2/2 Flying Hasty Rebel for cmc 3? Even in a deck where discarding isn't to your advantage he's good.
Posted By: Bluecash (8/24/2010 2:30:20 PM)


Love this guy. I use him all the time in my mono black madness deck. Can't go wrong with a 2/2 flyer with haste for 3 mana!
Posted By: Yozuk (5/5/2010 7:47:19 PM)


In a madness deck theres few things better, because you discard right after a mana refresher. Often overlooked.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (1/26/2010 11:53:47 AM)


I like this card, it's very open ended. You can do a lot of things with it.

The most obvious thing you can do with it is beat face and then sacrifice it. Frankly, two to the face for three kind of sucks, unless of course you want to sacrifice a creature.

This card is well at home in Savra EDH, This card turns into a spell that says "2B: Pay 2 life, deal 2 damage to target player and every other player sacrifices a creature". Great card advantage in EDH. Fill the rest with your standard Savra ordeal, black market, mortician beetle, good sacrifice outlets and lots of creatures that like to sacrifice themselves. Echo and Cumulative Upkeep are well at home in Savra, as you can always opt out of paying. However there are better cards to run, but it is, sort of, playable.

This card could go in Thraximundar EDH, but if you are running with Grixis colors, there are better cards to put in, black and red both have good mana ramp to play your general, blue has tons of ways to protect your ge... (see all)
Posted By: JosephColona (1/3/2011 8:34:21 PM)


Nah, I wouldn't say he's good outside of a madness/hellbent deck. Look at Skyknight Legionnaire.
Posted By: achilleselbow (8/25/2010 7:08:27 PM)


Curves right into a gibbering descent.
Posted By: Andromeiylochk (8/13/2011 6:50:45 PM)


Imp rebel? Not sure if get.
Posted By: Arachnos (12/10/2012 9:27:56 AM)


Should be strong in madness.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (12/12/2012 2:50:10 PM)


For gimmick value, I run a Rebel deck with only White mana sources and a small number of nonwhite rebels for recruiting. This thing makes the cut for when I get a Blightspeaker in my hand and no Vivid Meadow, and I can always get it back later with a Ramosian Revivalist.
Posted By: El_Richardo (12/8/2013 4:48:28 PM)


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