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Community Rating: 1.919 / 5  (43 votes)
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Take that, Tarmogoyf!
Posted By: Gabriel422 (12/23/2010 4:48:12 AM)


No, it's not the worst card ever printed. Its just a 2/1 for two with a silly, unimportant draw back. Plenty of decks used it way back when just to have a two drop, calm down people.
Posted By: Tommy9898 (12/4/2010 1:27:20 AM)


2 for a 2/1 isn't that bad, even with a slight drawback. Not that I'm saying this a good card by any means, but when you also have utter turds like the "bands with other" lands and many incredibly overcosted artifacts, it's far from the worst.
Posted By: Tanaka348 (11/26/2009 1:06:24 PM)


"One of the worst cards ever printed"

It's not good, but it's not that bad. It's certainly better than Squire, and even the recently-printed Mindless Null.

Any creature that can attack and / or block doesn't really qualify for the "worst card ever". You can still kill an opponent with a Squire. That title belongs for cards that have such inane and narrow abilities that they effectively do nothing at all -- Great Wall, Melting, Break Open, ect.
Posted By: scumbling1 (1/26/2012 4:46:10 PM)


oh its not THAT bad is it? lol
Posted By: GrimGorgonBC (10/29/2009 9:26:05 PM)


One of the worst cards ever printed, the players even said so when they voted this card out after 4th Edition. If only this was a 2/2...
Posted By: Guest57443454 (11/25/2009 1:13:01 PM)


Actually, by the standards of the time, this wasn't that bad. Erg Raiders was better, though it had a drawback that would show up now and then (people actually played Paralyze to deal with early beaters with drawbacks), and its own drawback is nearly meaningless, which means you've got a 2/1 for 1B. Not great, but not terrible. Compare it to Scathe Zombies, which is terrible, or even Spineless Thug, which gains a point of toughness - big deal - but also a huge drawback of not being able to block.
Posted By: Radagast (1/13/2013 3:11:20 PM)


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