Merfolk Wizards only cost one less but does the ability stack for multiple Bannerets? Also, might they stack on say a Merfolk Wizard where the first Banneret lowers the cost by 1 because its a Merfolk and the second one lowers the cost of the same spell by 1 because its a wizard? Also, does this ability work spells like Merrow Commerce and Summon the School?
Posted By:
(4/2/2012 9:08:26 PM)
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Posted By:
(8/16/2012 5:18:31 AM)
I really want to run a playset of this in my faerie deck. Everything bar Scion of Oona is a wizard, so I'm hoping it might make it a little faster.
Posted By:
(8/30/2012 5:00:04 PM)
Works really well with Snapcaster Mage. Flashback any instant/sorcery for just an additional blue mana! 5/5
Posted By:
(10/8/2012 1:34:59 PM)
In the Haakon Nameless Inversion deck, this card is amazing.
Posted By:
(12/16/2013 5:31:19 PM)