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Community Rating: 2.387 / 5  (31 votes)
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An interesting contrast to Pixie Queen...this is a 3/2 with a manaless activation cost to remove flying from a creature, while the Pixie Queen is a 1/1 flyer with a GGG} activation cost with the same CMC...
Posted By: Guest57443454 (12/4/2009 2:45:03 PM)


Back when my collection wasn't so great, this was one of my only means of defense in a green deck against Serra Angel, Sengir Vampire, Air Elemental, Mahamoti Djinn, etc.
Posted By: nammertime (12/15/2009 7:16:27 PM)


Funny thing: I wouldnt even think the word AI EN AI EL in words like manaless or manalink, unless this stupid cencoring.
Posted By: tavaritz (5/10/2011 1:06:40 PM)


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