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Coldsteel Heart.
Posted By: AlphaNumerical (8/11/2009 6:36:10 PM)


These days, it seems that every 2-drop acceleration artifact has abilities identical to a previously printed land (and some lands are taking their abilities from 2-drop artifacts).

Going by this pattern, the Diamonds would be balanced if they were printed without entering the battlefield tapped. Like AlphaNumerical, Coldsteel Heart beats them in multicolored decks and has the bonus of working in a Snow deck, if you ever try that. In EDH, monocolored decks will probably pick up the Diamonds anyways if they run out of better ramping choices or if the deckbuilder has limited options.

They are by no measure bad. They're just outclassed by things that have appeared since.
Posted By: Fanaticmogg (2/3/2014 3:23:40 AM)


A bad mox pearl.
Posted By: Silverware (8/27/2009 9:28:13 PM)


Was serviceable in its day, and it hedged against a land wipe. Sure enough, Sixth Edition was the last core set with Armageddon. Nowadays you can just fix your mana to whatever color you want with Prophetic Prism, which cantrips for good measure.
Posted By: jfre81 (8/11/2011 3:08:13 AM)


Meh, I'll take a signet for better mana fixing and to remove the "comes into play tapped."
Posted By: Mudbutt_on (4/18/2012 8:53:40 PM)


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