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This would be nice in my saproling deck...
Posted By: SaprolingsFTW (5/30/2010 4:24:42 PM)


I believe Nettle Sentinel actually *does* work.
You play this spell; as you play it Nettle Sentinel's abilities are put on the stack at the same time you are considering conspire. You tap them as you play this. Their ability then resolves (now that you've finished dealing with this card) and they untap.

Not sure if I'll get this card. Might be good in an RDW situation but it's difficult for me to keep two creatures on the board, and it's also difficult to decide if the extra 4/4 would be better than what I'd already have attacking.
Posted By: blurrymadness (4/29/2012 1:04:43 PM)


A really fun card. The potential of 2 4/4 tokens for 3 mana and two tapped creatures is nice! Works very well with elves or goblins where it is not uncommon to swing with two 4/4s on turn three. That hurts just about anyone.
Posted By: Enelysios (4/12/2012 11:01:16 PM)


Combos with Populate cards (heh heh)
Posted By: StyrofoamKing (6/1/2013 5:41:53 AM)


Nope, you can only conspire once, because you're not really playing the copy, it's put directly onto the stack. A bit confusing, I know. Regardless, in a good Warrior deck this card can really shine. 4/5.
Posted By: True_Mumin (8/13/2009 4:03:24 AM)


I saw this card at its best when it was used in an elf deck of all things with nettle sentinel.. they conspire the sentinels which untapped when you play the spell and they land up with two giants and two untapped elves, all around turn 2-3 depending on the mana accel.

Elves and giants, who knew?

Note you can also go with intruder alarm, or other such untapping hijinks. A very decent card for electropotence since it can be played in red if you want to go that direction.
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (1/11/2010 11:43:50 PM)


can you conspire more than once? i mean if you're copying a spell, the copied spell would have conspire, wouldn't it? i only ask because i always assumed you could, but MTGO didn't let me..

edit: thanks True_Mumin, that makes perfect sense! i never thought of it like that
Posted By: steamedrice (8/13/2009 7:20:09 AM)


I wonder why this was not made a tribal giant sorcery, any ideas? It seems most sorceries that do similar things with other creature types are tribal sorceries for those types.
Posted By: MTGfunaddict (1/31/2011 10:23:01 AM)


@Donovan_Fabian - you won't end up with two untapped Nettle Sentinels, because they untap when you cast a green spell. You never cast the second, conspired copy, so their untap doesn't trigger a second time.

However, they're not a bad target for conspire because of that untap ability.
Posted By: djflo (4/29/2011 9:28:18 AM)


I think the reason this isn't tribal is that it is a goblin card by flavor (look at the name and artwork)

Having a card that put a giant on the field that was Tribal - Goblin would seen a little off. Having a card that was Tribal - Giant who's flavor was some goblins tricking a giant into a battle zone would seem even more off.
Posted By: orisiti (7/14/2011 10:28:30 AM)


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