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Its three colors, so it must be good right? Oh? It's not? But it has an upkeep cost? That's good... right?
Posted By: VoidedNote (8/22/2010 12:17:38 AM)


@ TheWrathofShane:
Call it crap all you like, I've still seen it win games.
Also, he wears a cloak. As a dragon.

And at least his ability is interesting, if nothing else.

Posted By: Sharu (3/26/2012 4:45:14 AM)


@ WrathofShane -

I noticed you often have problems with certain words in the English language, so I thought I'd help you out:

Definition of FACT
1: a thing done: as a obsolete : feat b : crime c archaic : action
2: archaic : performance, doing
3: the quality of being actual : actuality
4a: something that has actual existence b : an actual occurrence
5: a piece of information presented as having objective reality
— in fact
: in truth
Posted By: The_Jabberwocky (5/23/2013 10:55:13 AM)


I love the look on newer players faces when I cast Dramatic Entrance and drop an old Legend they havent seen or heard of be4 :) also see Dragon Arch
Posted By: Arthindole (11/13/2010 1:19:41 PM)


the best edh general besides isamamaru
Posted By: inmypants22 (8/25/2009 6:24:01 PM)


I would rather play Chromium due to its rampage ability, since Sabboth's bonus to untapped creatures is slightly less relevant in the late game, where the Elder Dragons come out to play...
Posted By: Guest57443454 (11/24/2009 11:26:56 PM)


I more like Chromium, although I think Vaevictis Asmadi and Nicol Bolas are best. Palladia-Mors is worst, 2RedRedGreenGreenWhiteWhite for 7/7 flying trample and upkeep additional cost? Phew :D.

@Weretarrasque: Expensive? Expensive is Iname, as One. This one is cheap in fact.
Posted By: Neutralion (2/4/2010 7:41:15 AM)


Definitely one of my favorite cards/generals. Put something that gives vigilance on him and have fun with your awesome defense!
Posted By: Goatllama (4/7/2011 11:59:48 AM)


WOW! Really expensive. And if you can pull it off, it still pales in comparison to Nicol Bolas. Still, he's better than Chromium.
Posted By: Weretarrasque (10/21/2009 6:58:27 AM)


This thing is a piece of crap, and if you cheat it out I will smash your piece of crap deck then laugh at you.
And Neutralion, this piece of crap defines expensive. A ridiculously restrictive cost, and 3 color choking upkeep. All for a giant flying turd dragon.

"But, Legends was an old set and in his time he was playable!"
That does not change the fact that he is a piece of crap....
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (3/15/2012 1:56:17 PM)


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