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This guy was a fun card back in it's infancy. It was much better than all the other Tims of the time, for they all cost three mana; dropping Fireslinger a turn earlier made all the difference. Who cares about the damage; you should win before it matters.
Posted By: scumbling1 (3/7/2011 6:13:00 PM)


No comments on this guy? He's no Grim Lavamancer, but he is great for killing off thoes Birds of Paradise and annoying dudes. A good choice for Sligh and RDW.

EDIT: The drawback is barely anything, dude. This is one of the best "ping" creatures in the game.
Posted By: Maraxas-of-Keld (7/30/2010 8:59:43 AM)


Lifelink from any source (preferably Basilisk Collar; Deathtouch Pingers are awesomesauce) completely negates the drawback, since the damage he deals to you is generating a life to replace it.
Posted By: Diachronos (9/1/2010 5:28:50 AM)


I take this over the lousy pyromancer any day. It comes one turn eariler means more life could be saved then it can deal to you. It is much cheaper so you don't feel much losing it to a removal. Fireslinger is the best red pinger in my opinion.
Posted By: non1337 (11/3/2010 10:18:11 AM)


Goblin Sharpshooter is, in my opinion, the best.
Gelectrode should be second best pyromancer.
Fireslinger should be third . .
People tend to disregard the fact that this can come into play a turn earlier than regular pinger.
This is a far better than a decent card and there is almost no draw back if you are running a red deck.
Posted By: Hoonster (1/13/2011 1:32:34 PM)


Like a repeatable Maggot carrier in 1 on 1, at worst. Getting rid of those small utility creatures is very often more valuable than one puny life.

I run casual spellshaper/madness deck with Kris mages and learned that harrasing your opponent right from the start can have surprisingly heavy impact on the rest of the game. This guy's one round slower than Kris Mage, but can be played in any deck without other restrictions.
I think its decent card.

Posted By: skew (8/16/2010 12:59:08 PM)


Agreed. It never hurt anyone to take a point of damage here or there. This thing's great for offing utility creatures and it fits much better on a lower mana curve than most pingers.
Posted By: luca_barelli (8/17/2011 9:31:47 PM)


This is a good 2cmc Tim. I prefer Razorfin Hunter for a 2cmc Tim with no drawback. Of course if you can not add blue mana to your deck through lands or artifacts, even this guy is a signifigant advantage on turn two.

4 copies of this and 4 copies of Razorfin Hunter will give you a major leg up on your opponents. Only the haste Tims are better.
Cunning Sparkmage
Vulshok Sorcerer
An unearthed Vithian Stinger
To a lesser extent Jeska, Warrior Adept, who at 4cmc will be aout a round later anyway.
Posted By: Pantheon (3/4/2011 10:14:20 AM)


it's like cunning sparkmage, but worse
Posted By: ridiculousricky (2/12/2011 12:24:41 PM)


Horrible, just horrible. The 1 lower CMC cost does in no way make up for this guy's drawback. Garbage.
Posted By: Sironos (6/19/2010 10:10:56 AM)


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