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I love a first turn ancestral vision. Those 3 cards show up at the perfect time.
Posted By: tantallum99 (11/4/2010 5:18:44 PM)


The cool thing about this card is that you can drop it on turn 1 and feel basically no sweat about it. Drop a couple Erasures if you wanna focus on mill, or start dropping some low cost fliers to keep pressure on them. Also, the fact that you can Cascade into this makes it very friendly to a little color splashing.
Posted By: Kitty_the_Kat (1/1/2011 4:27:42 AM)


Olliemancer, are you high? This was a 4-of in the best deck of its time: Faeries.
Posted By: YoshiOfADown (5/2/2010 3:12:20 AM)


202.3a The converted mana cost of an object with no mana cost is 0.

Because of this rule and the fact that Ancestral Vision can be cast via alternate means such as Mind's Desire, you can in fact Cascade into this and draw 3 cards.
Posted By: Vinifera7 (7/3/2010 6:32:55 PM)


Serious card advantage at little to no cost. If you're playing it in the right deck then it won't hurt you to draw it late game. 5/5 in my book.
@Ziacombs : When your opponent suspends a card, they are not yet playing it. The card is removed from the game. Therefore this (as with any other suspended card) cannot be countered until the last time counter is removed and the spell goes onto the stack.

- You will now face my wrath
For your persistant insolence
Posted By: BloodJunkie (1/13/2011 12:51:58 PM)


Could you Imprint this on Panoptic Mirror??? Draw 3 each turn looks nice to me.
Posted By: Roxl36 (9/22/2010 5:03:27 PM)


This was actually in the first pack of cards I ever bought. I traded it without really understanding it. I did get a whole deck of decent stuff that I had wanted to have anyway, so it was a good deal for me then. Now though, after I have 3, I really wish I would have kept the original so I had a playset.
Posted By: sincleanser (8/18/2011 10:51:10 AM)


They've removed the "~ is blue" from the Oracle wording, but they haven't updated the Gatherer site to display color indicators yet. So, this now looks colorless on Gatherer!

Edit: Fixed! They've added color indicators to Gatherer.
Posted By: AluminumAngel (10/9/2011 10:30:12 AM)


Any of the 0 cost suspend looks good on Panoptic. And note none of them are instants - Just so you can't imprint them on your Scepter
Posted By: Luke_BPC (1/10/2012 6:33:23 PM)


@Talon06: Well, it fits the requirements. Anything else?

@nibelheim_valesti: Besides missing the fact that it isn't an instant but a sorcery.
Posted By: Nikeyeia (8/21/2010 8:53:27 AM)


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