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I think this card alone is why Jace vs. Chandra is worth about $60 or so lately...
Posted By: Totema (3/11/2013 12:53:41 AM)


Obscene with cascade. Shardless Agent decks can't go without multiple copies of this.
Posted By: Continue (5/7/2013 10:58:59 PM)


This card is great early in the game, but later on it can be pretty awful when you're depending on a critical draw and you end up with a card that can't do anything for 4 turns (which you may not even last long enough to use).
Posted By: Technetium (5/17/2013 8:06:55 AM)


Fantastic for playing when you want to play it - turn 1. You get to cast it on the turn where you likely aren't keep mana up for control instants (after all, how many decks run Force Spite/Flutterstorm/Spell Pierce pre-board?), then sit back on the next few turns, playing your control instants, then getting a sudden +2 card advantage out of nowhere.

Not necessarily an auto-include in any blue/x deck, but one to consider often.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (8/20/2013 12:12:58 AM)


Any good reason NOT to include this in a storm deck?
Posted By: seahen (1/30/2014 5:22:38 PM)


Is anybody else reminded of that spot in the Temple of the Ancients where you chase that little spirit dude around in Final Fantasy VII?

No really, take a look and see for yourself.

Posted By: Ataraxiom (2/27/2014 7:33:12 PM)


I don't see why they let cascade cast these cards. It says repeatedly in the rulings that this has no mana cost, not a converted mana cost of 0. So it would seem that when cascade asks "does this card have a converted mana cost lower than the cascade card's cost?" the answer would be no, since the card has no converted mana cost at all.

Posted By: EGarrett01 (3/19/2014 4:21:40 PM)


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