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Man This Cat Is Wicked Cuz Late Game Red Needs This Kinda Stuff Im Really Impressed. Plus The Artwork Is Killer
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (9/25/2009 12:42:00 PM)


4/4 for 4cc is good, but for red i think I'd rather play a dragon or something with trample, haste, etc.

The reminder text is a gimmick pure and simple. Also, shouldn't be mythic.....in fact, mythic shouldn't even be a card rarity at all. But that's a whole different story...

3/5 because I'm feeling bitter about this whole deal.
Posted By: madformedusa (9/26/2009 11:34:02 PM)


For one, I find that Wotc is stamping too many cards with "MYTHIC". I mean, I can understand Lotus Cobra, or Ob Nixilis, but I really don't get how this deserves to be mythic.
"The land continues to burn..."
Posted By: Ruztyz (9/25/2009 5:35:55 PM)


blaze counters, what the F*** am I playing Pokemon?
Posted By: capitalR (6/15/2010 1:31:53 AM)


Pretty interesting card...and sorry to be a killjoy, Wizards, but I think you should keep your flavor out of the official reminder text that should be clarifying our misunderstanding of the card and not causing it. I agree to some extent with Mode in that the text talks down to us, as if we couldn't interpret for ourselves that a red card with "fire" in its name, a "blaze" counter, and damage-dealing have something to do with burning. I agree with giving the card reminder text, as this might be a slightly confusing ability for newbies who are used to effects shutting down once their source leaves the battlefield, but there was a better way to do this.

Again, I feel like the lameass who can't bring himself to have any fun, but the places for flavor are the card's name, its art, the flavor text, and our imaginations, and not in the clarify-what-happens-because-I-already-don't-understand-this-and-please-don't-make-it-any-more-confusing text.
Posted By: ratchet1215 (9/27/2009 9:04:28 PM)


Michael Kelso, Burn-omancer 2RRRR
Legendary Creature- Idiot

R, T: Burn target artifact, creature or land. (Put a blaze counter on it, etc..)
RRR, T: Burn target planeswalker or player.
RRRRR, T: Burn target Burn (that's a SECOND DEGREE BURN!) <- strictly better reminder text than Obsidian Fireheart's.

Errata: yes, blaze counters can have blaze counters on them. freakin' pyros. -_-
Posted By: DarthParallax (8/15/2012 11:04:54 PM)


He looks ***ed.
Posted By: Asic (1/31/2010 10:55:50 PM)


Not a bad card, but a horribly designed one at that. The reminder text is trying to be cool when in reality its just annoying. And it's power level doesn't seem near Mythic. Sure it's a unique ability bit I can't see anyone's jaw dropping at this card...
Posted By: Volcre (9/28/2009 7:49:47 AM)


4/4 for 4 with a mana-only ability that wins games in a turn or two. This is the sort of thing that deserves mythic status.
Posted By: SoulShatterer (5/18/2011 4:19:29 PM)


This could of been a format shaper if the activation cost was 1R and not 1RR.
Posted By: Lestat13 (10/1/2009 12:39:00 AM)


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