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Community Rating: 4.095 / 5  (206 votes)
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Obsidian the Burninator is burninating the countryside...
Posted By: Lord_of_Tresserhorn (1/28/2012 6:38:08 AM)


OH hai darksteel citadel. Watcha dooo-in.
Posted By: Gako (1/30/2012 6:02:44 PM)


When I read his reminder text I can't help but think of him going all Flame Hyenard (from one of the Megaman X games): BURN! BURN! BURN TO THE GROUND! BURN TO THE GROUND! BURN!
Posted By: Arachnos (4/7/2012 4:29:28 PM)


Burn baby, burn!
Posted By: CorkBulb (7/28/2012 8:29:10 PM)


Fun on a Rainbow Vale
Posted By: pedrodyl (8/29/2012 11:39:05 PM)


Dissipation Field should do the trick!
Posted By: Rundtosset (12/3/2012 11:50:07 AM)


this is the card you talking about, most likely .
and cool card 4/5
Posted By: mr8658 (6/13/2013 1:03:36 PM)


What Totema said, but also, it's a 4/4 for 4 in mono-red. That's pretty dang good. This could be your top of the curve in RDW. If it sticks, light up some lands. In RDW, that 1 or 2 damage per turn can very easily be the reason you finish off your opponent.

The art on this card, all the red symbols, even the mythic colour for the set symbol is red! This card is beautiful and awesome. It may not have made an appearance in standard, but I've seen it in a few EDH decks (still on the fence for one of my decks, but it's currently in one of mine too), and I'm absolutely certain some kid pulled one in a booster and it's still his favourite card.
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/25/2013 6:40:55 AM)


@Totema: So a card with cool flavour and nice art doesn't deserve to have a decent ability and to be playable in constructed? What kind of logic is that? Clearly, you're the one who lacks imagination if you can't think of an ability that would be playable and still fit the flavour of the card. Having a playable ability would not make this card's flavour and art any less awesome and it would mean that people opening boosters wouldn't be upset to see it.

@Sai3: Okay let's compare this card to Hellrider or Ghor-Clan Rampager which are both current standard staples. Why would you choose this card over them? And again, having nice art and flavour is great but it doesn't mean this card had to be underpowered. Mythics should have nice art, flavour and a decent ability.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (7/24/2013 10:01:32 PM)


@Enelysios: If an ability refers to a card that has already been referred to by the same ability, it has the same meaning as 'that card/permanent/etc.' so yes, they will continue to burn.
Posted By: Minus7 (7/30/2013 6:41:23 AM)


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