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This poor guy seriously needs trample.
Posted By: Kirbster (6/29/2010 12:09:23 AM)


I guess this is why GroundsKeeper is in this set.
Posted By: Tommy9898 (2/26/2010 6:30:39 PM)


I always liked this guy. Sure the drawbacks are there, but with the right timing, he ends games.
Posted By: XTwistedsoulX (10/30/2011 4:46:30 PM)


Surprisingly good. Power it out with a few red rituals and there you are. Also, re: drawback; since when has red needed a bunch of lands to wreak havoc?
Posted By: ClockworkSwordfish (5/7/2011 5:21:22 AM)


Its good for its cost but if its blocked you might as well be giving your opponent free stone rain.
Posted By: Silverware (8/27/2009 9:32:07 PM)


Doesn't that creature have a little too many legs to be called an insect? I mean, the scientific name for insects is literally "six-foots" (hexapoda).
Posted By: Tiggurix (4/24/2012 7:11:00 PM)


Too much mana for a big creature with such a drawback. It's vanilla 7/7 when ti should have had haste with such a nasty drawback.
Posted By: wholelottalove (10/26/2012 10:39:52 AM)


Such a beating for whoever plays it. It some situations, it can just win, obviously, a 7/7 coming out pretty early (though not even insanely early). But with no evasion, or trample, or protection, it just is juicy value for your opponent who can use chump blockers as Strip Mine until they decide to burn a removal spell or you finally just let it die.

And for ramping it out with rituals, you need to feed this thing mountains to maintain it, red may not need a huge mana base to do things, but it is certainly going nowhere if it can't cast more than one mana spells once a turn until it finally runs out of Mountains and has nothing going for it. Granted, ramping to this thing, then bolting chumpers until this thing wins could work if your opponent is limiting himself to one 1 mana play a turn as well.
Posted By: RedAtrocitus (4/1/2013 10:23:11 AM)


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