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Community Rating: 3.608 / 5  (120 votes)
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Great against Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle.
Posted By: Kao_Unagi (10/3/2010 10:38:08 PM)


Die, Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle! Die!
Posted By: Nagoragama (10/11/2010 10:48:37 PM)


Before this was printed, half of the people on the forums lamented how this wasn't Wasteland, that LD is useless when they get to four lands, etc. etc. Now this is probably the single most played card in Standard, a 3- or 4-of in almost every deck, due to how important it is to be able to slow down control decks by a turn or two (and also to destroy Valakuts and the manlands). And Tectonic Edge does all these without spending one deck slot.
Posted By: Gabriel422 (11/24/2010 4:23:08 AM)


land_comment you do realize their are strictly better versions of this right?
Posted By: dragonking987 (4/25/2011 10:17:10 PM)


looks like a decent budget alternative to wasteland.

However, anyone who thinks this will see play in legacy is kidding themselves.
Posted By: mdakw576 (5/10/2011 1:57:30 AM)


I'd love to see this card reprinted in core sets. Its simple, balanced, effective.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (5/22/2011 5:05:49 PM)


surgical extraction.

Posted By: stille_nacht (7/5/2011 6:44:06 AM)


This is like Doom Blade for manlands. The "activate this ability only if an opponent controls 4 or more lands" clause links this directly to each of the Worldwake manlands.

Celestial Colonnade - {3WU} activation. They need to have 6 lands.

Creeping Tar Pit - {1UB} activation. They need to have 4 lands.

Lavaclaw Reaches - {1BR} activation. They need to have 4 lands just to use it, and if they have more it becomes much better.

Raging Ravine - {2RG} activation. They need 5 lands, but the ability may be activated multiple times to stack +1/+1 counters on the Ravine, making this at least the 3rd best manland in the cycle.

Stirring Wildwood - {1GW} activation, they need 4 lands.

This card is a great answer to the WorldWake cycle of dual manlands, but is often a poor answer to the Mirrodin Besieged Inkmoth Nexus. In standard, the best cards f... (see all)
Posted By: DacenOctavio (8/22/2011 10:24:34 AM)


This card is a fair Strip Mine.
Posted By: yousquiddinme (11/28/2012 3:06:12 PM)


They should print this card at common so that most pauper decks have a main-board answer to cloudpost. It would be a nice alternative to just banning cloudpost.
Posted By: michaeldelamarre (5/22/2013 9:18:01 AM)


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