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Community Rating: 3.608 / 5  (120 votes)
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Quite a lot worse than Wasteland, which is itself a less-powerful (but not-broken) Strip Mine... and this is still highly playable in Modern. Who could have guessed? 5/5
Posted By: Continue (6/7/2013 5:38:42 PM)


The fact that there are MULTIPLE cards that are ACTUALLY strictly better than this..... coupled with the fact that this was good enough to still make a pretty solid showing in standard..... should say something about the power level of Strip Mine and Wasteland...

like some other people mentioned, I'm a little spoiled by Strip Mine, but I have a few Tectonic Edges and I often run them in EDH where both of the drawbacks are really minimized (costs 1 extra to activate, and can only hit their 4th land or later)...

This is probably about as balanced as the Wasteland/Strip Mine variants will ever be...
5/5 for a solid, playable, and fair card that doesn't murder fun.
Posted By: Saraneth888 (6/10/2013 6:59:39 PM)


Tap: Destroy target Celestial Colonnade.
Posted By: Ferlord (8/7/2013 7:31:00 AM)


The fixed version of Wasteland, which was the fixed version of Strip Mine. I think they did pretty well with this card. It's very effective against many decks, and it isn't as wall-punchingly frustrating to play against as the other 2 cards I mentioned.
Posted By: SirZapdos (9/26/2013 8:35:40 AM)


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