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I play this in my Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder EDH deck. I've put 16+ counters on it in one turn.
Posted By: cathode01 (5/6/2011 4:42:56 PM)


Great uses for this card, quick(er) Blightsteel Colossus Better Black Sun's Zenith and generating enough mana for any X cost when you cycle cheap sac. creatures in and out of your graveyard can be very help. I run this card in my casual zombie deck for just such a purpose.
Posted By: CigarDan (4/2/2011 11:30:54 AM)


Complete beating in Shirei EDH. Average 40+ counters in one turn cycle unless its removed right away.
Posted By: ir0nwood (6/12/2011 9:40:38 PM)


Might be a bit expensive, but once in play, it can help power out an enormous Consume Spirit or make it easier to cast your Reiver Demons
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (3/23/2010 3:11:55 AM)


This card used to be risky back with mana burn. Since adding the mana is mandatory, if you have nothing to play you'd get burned. And mono-black cant get rid of it. Now that mana burn is done away with, there is no risk in running this.

Black has plenty of ways to get creatures in graveyards (be it yours or an opponent's) so starting the ramp shouldn't be too hard. Collect some nice counters for a nasty consume spirit finisher.

In multiplayer, this would be great at ramping you to unbelievable power. By the time it's your turn again, you could have 10+ counters on it!

However, 5 is a bit late to start mana accel, unless you play something like good old dark ritual

4/5 w/o mana burn
Posted By: CorkBulb (8/30/2012 4:53:13 AM)


Due to the no mana burn rule of M10, this cards becomes much better than before.
Posted By: Linc_101 (6/28/2009 8:19:47 AM)


Cataclysm + black market you got mana not the opponents.
Posted By: Skulisk (10/17/2011 2:39:39 PM)


It's basically an auto-include in any multiplayer deck. When a friend of mine saw it in my deck the first time, he said "oh, that's nice a nice card". Some minutes later he added "what? I thought the counters get removed when you use it!". :D
Posted By: majinara (11/1/2012 3:13:20 AM)


Gotten mana in the thousands with my Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper EDH. But normally I only get ~30 mana a turn with it...just start top decking everything.
Posted By: IamjustnotCreative (12/31/2012 8:59:40 PM)


infinite black mana obviously must be spent not on X mana cost spells but activated abilities of creatures such as bog initiate. =P
Posted By: Kurhan (12/29/2009 12:11:12 AM)


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