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Community Rating: 4.174 / 5  (66 votes)
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Back when mana burn was a thing, had to be managed carefully.

Now? Go nuts. Go god damned nuts, you crazy black mages.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (5/11/2013 3:24:55 PM)


This card, Reassembling Skeleton + Ashnod's Altar or Phyrexian Altar = One heckuva mana generator

Throw in Grave Pact, Savra, Queen of the Golgari, and/or Butcher of Malakir, and suddenly you're getting huge returns, and everyone else is losing everything they hold dear...

Very nice 4/5 all by itself, but being in black with all it's combo potential makes it a solid 5/5 in my opinion
Posted By: SevesDariku (12/26/2013 6:00:59 AM)


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