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Community Rating: 3.021 / 5  (24 votes)
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I kinda like the picture, though I'll admit it looks strangely like a mural you'd find painted on a school wall.
Posted By: Kirbster (12/5/2010 12:22:09 PM)


This seems like a pretty decent card to me, even by today's standards. I think protection from colors pretty much gets you put in uncommon, but if it weren't for that, I could see this getting reprinted as a common in some future set.

(he doesn't die to doomblade!)
Posted By: Great_North (1/27/2011 12:21:50 PM)


For a wall this is not bad at all. It survives any targeted black removal, which makes this pretty decent. Also, the art is extremely dope. Reminds me of Pink Floyd, for some reason.

I give this a 2/5
Posted By: BongRipper420 (6/19/2012 5:59:41 PM)


Not a bad card for white, with toughness of 5 for only 3 mana. A reprint with a better picture would be nice though.
Posted By: sarroth (12/15/2009 5:07:32 PM)


great picture, really interesting. there are better walls
Posted By: jsttu (1/15/2011 1:53:02 PM)


You know what? I WANT my walls to die to doomblade. It blocks Juzam Djinn all day though for players of old sets. 1.5/5
Posted By: Kryptnyt (11/10/2011 5:22:25 PM)


I'm 99% positive back in the 90's some kid played this card in a deck, and their friend hated this card because he couldn't find a way to get around it. Somewhere in the world, this is a 5/5 for somebody
Posted By: shotoku64 (3/1/2014 4:15:12 PM)


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