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Community Rating: 4.584 / 5  (77 votes)
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While I doubt the second effect really ever comes into play you can't deny the power of this card, which is basically lightning bolts 5-8, with the disadvantage of being a sorcery.
Posted By: Bluehero (9/29/2010 9:21:34 PM)


It's decent for Red, but its a sorcery so I would prefer lightning bolt.
Posted By: murder100 (10/16/2010 6:06:25 PM)


They should reprint this one when Lightning Bolt doesn't get reprinted anymore :)
Posted By: KyoDarkFire (11/15/2010 10:29:47 PM)


A very good alternative (or addition) to Lightning Bolt. Even at sorcery speed its good to get 3 for . Your opponent probably won't have RedRed to spend if you are deciding to play this, but it can still be useful if you need that first strike to kill a creature.

You can use it to kill one of your own creatures when that is useful, and pay the extra to still hit an opponent, or as others said, its perfect for Stuffy Doll.
Posted By: Enelysios (11/11/2013 4:57:47 PM)


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