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It was a pretty good book. Card itself is flavorful from it and I guess would be worth keeping an Ith, High Arcanist tapped down. Just hope that a Rag man doesn't get Jodah to destroy your cage.
Posted By: Tommy9898 (9/30/2010 12:03:35 AM)


Having read the novel for this set, this card brings back memories.
Oh, the card itself is average.
Posted By: Weretarrasque (10/21/2009 7:20:12 AM)


Mana sinc for braid of fire?
Posted By: kiseki (7/27/2011 2:22:52 PM)


I used this a lot when I was a newb. It's still not bad. I don't even have one of these anymore, but if I did I might use it in artifact EDH. Got a creature that's going to die anyway? Sack it to Ashnod's Altar, get one more and you can lock something down for a turn. Note that it can target untapped creatures too, making them choose between using it and losing it for next turn, or not tapping it. Of course, maybe you could hit it with an Icy Manipulator too for 1 more. And then you can hit it every turn to keep it locked down, and you can change around what gets locked down rather than using an aura to keep it tapped.

The Braid of Fire idea is a good one too, along with anything else that could produce surplus mana.
Posted By: jfre81 (9/2/2012 10:00:07 PM)


How ironic that Ith was trapped in a large and elaborate construct for an extended period of time. You'd think he would have unparalleled experience navigating that sort of thing.
Posted By: Salient (3/7/2014 6:07:04 PM)


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