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...Why are you trying to invent Bog Wraith?
Posted By: nibelheim_valesti (6/27/2010 5:39:25 AM)


This was one of the first black creatures I played with, in 5th Edition, when I was just starting, but I never realized that she was a Minion in her last printing! What a strange creature type update...

ALSO never realized that the flavour text I liked so much was actually only half of the poem!
Posted By: Leshrac_Nightwalker (8/25/2010 11:10:11 AM)


At the very least, she's quite flavorful. That's why i kept her when i sold off all my excess recently.

Also, um... Where's the rest of the poem on this printing? And why the heck isn't she a spirit here? Core sets were so worthless in so many ways.
Posted By: Laguz (6/9/2011 3:44:07 AM)


It was so sad back in the day to see fantastic art and card names like Lost Soul and Feast of the Unicorn wasted on cards that weren't good enough to play even in casual games.
Posted By: Arcos (7/9/2011 4:05:26 PM)


or you could make her colorless, {14} mana more, give her flying, take away swampwalk, give her Protection from Colored spells and annihilator 6 and make her Time Walk when you cast her, and make her uncounterable. Then you have a better creature.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (3/3/2011 5:25:18 PM)


Take out a Black and add 2, then add 1 to her power and 2 to her toughness and you get a better creature.
Posted By: Chrisrawr (7/28/2009 1:41:29 AM)


Or by that logic, you could take all the cost away and add 18 to her power and 19 to her toughness, giver her trample and PRESTO! 20/20 trample for (0) and your all set right? Lordy....
EDIT: @Kryptnyt at least you got the joke.
Posted By: XTwistedsoulX (10/24/2011 10:16:57 AM)


Half-baked even for its time. Did they really need to bump up the casting cost and drop the toughness of Scathe Zombies just to gain Swampwalk? Wow...
Posted By: Radagast (12/17/2010 11:48:13 AM)


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