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Community Rating: 3.409 / 5  (22 votes)
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Very nice. While it is kind of expensive, the creature you bring out could cost more. Imagine an instant speed progenitus, or Emrakul. With proliferate you don't even need to pay for a second counter. Nice.
Posted By: jsttu (1/17/2011 7:31:21 PM)


Actually I like it. Once it has it's two counters, it doesn't require any additional mana but can be just sacced at any moment. Putting one from the hand or the graveyard into play makes it (unusual for eggs) very flexible. No great card, but fun nonetheless.
Posted By: majinara (12/6/2010 11:59:57 PM)


So, you play this turn four. The next two turns, you spend six mana to place two counters on the egg. For ten total mana, you can play your Primeval Titan as soon as turn six!

Astoundingly broken!

Posted By: scumbling1 (3/20/2011 7:04:00 AM)


Interesting concept, but it sadly doesn't combo with big creatures like Darksteel Colossus, Blightsteel Colossus, Serra Avatar or any of the Eldrazi titans, as they all get shuffled back into their owner's library when they hit the graveyard.

It would still work with Krosan Cloudscraper, Autochthon Wurm or any of the non-legendary Eldrazi like It That Betrays or Pathrazer of Ulamog.
Posted By: SirZapdos (11/9/2011 7:57:35 AM)


SirZapdos, it says "hand OR graveyard."

It's one of those cards you don't think is that good until you realize just what it does and what it can do.
Posted By: jfre81 (11/15/2011 7:10:28 PM)


Slower than the more modern Quicksilver Amulet, but also lets you gravedig. Plus, turn 6 is where you kind of expect really broken things (like free creatures of arbitrary size) to happen anyway these days. The slowness means you can easily dump {7} and still have the egg shattered, but with some artifact mana accelerators you can also get your critter out in only two turns.

Overall a solid, balanced card.
Posted By: longwinded (4/25/2012 10:32:48 PM)


drop Shivan raptor with it or allosaurus for flavor
Posted By: raptorman333 (3/29/2013 10:03:20 AM)


Gets a full 1 extra star for being a non creature artifact. I would play it in a control style reanimation deck.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (7/29/2013 9:14:19 AM)


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