I make lots of theme decks, especially for my noobie friends. This card finds its way into every "good guy" deck I build. Sometimes, flavor is more important than power.
This card is great for noobies, either it teaches them what being 2-for-oned. Or it fits the flavor and makes the game fun. Hell, it isn't even a terrible card. This can go on any double striker and make them very hard to kill.
That being said, I wish it gave protection from black. Not really for any power reasons, but because it would be very flavorfull, and it could turn something into a White Knight.
Posted By:
(6/14/2012 1:05:55 PM)
I have a respect for this card and it's brother, to the point where I still use it (i've been using it since unholy strength had a pentacle in it). Whenever I make a white deck this always finds a way into it, and really doesn't fail me. Worst it does is just get them to target a creature and waste a spell, best it does is gets my creatures early defense up some.
But in the end, it isn't about the numbers, or how amazing each card is, it is about the experience each game brings to the person who wields the card. If they have fond memories, no matter how janky people say the card is, the card will always be good for those people, that is because these cards have been with us since we were young in the game (and some of us since we were young). That is why we keep on keeping on with some of the cards that are inherently Bad due to removal/2for1.
As a note, I never really look at a single enchanted creature being destroyed as just a 2for1, but that is because, you (the opponent) jus... (see all)
Posted By:
(2/2/2013 11:40:04 PM)
Bland Aura
But they are flavorful bland auras that all the newbies can relate to. So I have resigned myself to expecting these coasters for each core set from now until eternity (2012)
Posted By:
(7/8/2010 6:00:24 PM)
Glad to see it reprinted. With any luck, Wizards will look at this card once in a while and remember what balance is.
Posted By:
(12/4/2010 5:16:10 PM)
I wish destruction spells would become rare, slow and costly enough to transform this card into a Giant Growth with some possibility for a repeatable effect (Similar to Prey's Vengeance).
Posted By:
(8/8/2010 6:13:31 AM)
I miss the old Anson Maddocks art. Too much of the modern art is way too busy and not nearly as instantly recognizable at a glance.
Posted By:
(4/1/2011 9:26:00 PM)
This card just screams 2 for 1 while not doing much in the process.
A weak card, but will teach noobs rather quickly why this is a weak card.
Posted By:
(9/1/2012 10:57:19 AM)
@OutlawD1: this and Unholy Strenght were cut off from Magic 2012, so you were right.
And these auras are sort of fun... But you know how it is with auras, it's always fun and games until someone casts a Doom Blade.
Posted By:
(2/20/2012 3:05:39 PM)