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Cards that fetch lands from your library and put them into play are better most of the time. They increase your chance of drawing non-lands in the late game, and are not as easily removed as auras. In decks meant to be played in teams (2vs2, 2HG or something like that), this becomes much better, since you can play it on your teammates lands in case he gets manascrewed.
Posted By:
(2/5/2009 1:11:31 AM)
Cards that fetch lands don't ramp you that turn and lands in your deck that are various colors may draw you an unusable hand (I.E. no green. This has happened to me several times with as few as 4 non-forests in a deck.)
If you're merely splashing other colors and wish to ramp AND color fix, these work. Also, cards like utopia sprawl are effectively free the turn you play them. Most ramp cards cause the lands to be tapped or cost more than they give; further slowing you. This for example costs essentially one mana if you have two mana to cast it on an untapped land.
You also can't landwalk an enchantment. PLUS this ignores all of the combo potential of untapping said land for multiple mana.
So there are a fair few reasons why these work in place of fetch-land cards. Highly depends on the deck. (See enchantresses)
Posted By:
(2/27/2013 2:51:44 PM)