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Shadow was undercosted back in Tempest block, wasn't it?
Posted By: A3Kitsune (3/11/2010 4:17:18 AM)


Scryb sprites can't waltz through most midgame armies though. This is very good for aggro, with relevant creature types.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (7/15/2010 6:06:20 AM)


Shadow was crazy if it had the proper support. Easy 4/5.
Posted By: The-Earth-Dragon (4/12/2012 2:13:05 PM)


Not so much. Even if it's 99% unblockable, it's also 99% unable to block. Often it's nice for a one drop to be able to stand in front of a threat.

In conclusion, it's debatable whether this guy is actually better than Scryb Sprites.
Posted By: nibelheim_valesti (6/16/2010 9:23:33 AM)


Posted By: mrredhatter (10/1/2009 10:14:07 PM)


I wouldn't put this in most decks because (as mentioned above) it can't block. Being able to get through with a point of damage, and pump it up, is nice, but I would really prefer to have something that could block a big 5/5 coming at me late game. However, there are a lot of decks out there which aren't really concerned about blocking opponents' creatures, but just want to outspeed them by getting a lot of damage in very fast. I have some of those too, and in those decks this little guy is great.
Posted By: ddde (8/9/2010 3:07:34 PM)


This guy is so much better than whatever you think is cool.
Posted By: face-fister (5/7/2011 1:09:28 PM)


Yo. This is a soldier. Pump it up with Captain of the Watch and Honor of the Pure and you're swinging with a 3/3 unblockable or bigger. It has value as an aggressive card, particularly because most creatures like this, even Loam Lion, get blocked and killed going into the midgame. It's shadow ability and tribal status mitigate it's lack of ability to block. If you're playing a good deck, you should have plenty of blockers. Ranger en Vec FTW.
Posted By: jetzine (9/26/2011 6:20:37 PM)


At this point, it's essentially a color-shifted Tormented Soul. Not bad for an old card if you ask me.
Posted By: GlassJoetheChamp (7/10/2012 8:25:48 PM)


In white, this card is better than Scryb Sprites because white generally relies on direct creature removal, as opposed to pumping through giant growth. A cheap attacker that lets you follow with wall of essence or equipped bonesplitter on the next turn is very handy.
Posted By: ThatStunna (1/22/2013 11:32:00 AM)


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