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i just thought id say that 1 more thing i love is that you can tap your mountains for damage, but still have thta much mana from his -2. powerific.
Posted By: Khultar (1/13/2011 11:49:11 PM)


I know pretty much that red = burn, but Koth's whole "now the very earth crushes you" thing is so amazing for me. If I were a red mage I'd rather do it Koth's way. The Vorthos in me is awed by this fantastic card!
Posted By: sarroth (1/29/2011 8:46:53 PM)


Very good card. I got him in the same pack as i got a foir wurmcoil engine, which was at the Mirrodin Besieged pre-release. He helped me win a few games, at the times i could get him out. Overally, a very good card, and a must for any budding planeswalkers out there!
Posted By: typicaltymon (1/30/2011 3:59:54 AM)


love this guy lol, hes great
Posted By: raadface (2/18/2011 3:10:16 PM)


Both of his first abilities are mana acceleration at worst, and his final makes it so you don't need need to cast spells anymore.
Works fine for me.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (2/22/2011 4:31:12 PM)


Anybody who plays Red as a main color in standard and chooses not to run 4 Koths doesn't realize how game-breaking this guy is. I won my FNM two nights ago and I probably resolved this guy about 10 times in 4 matches. I don't care about your Jace, the Mind Sculptors, I don't care about your Lavaclaw Reaches, and I don't care about your Kalastria Highborns (but I do care about your Wurmcoil Engines), I'm going to smash you with 4/4 Mountains.
Posted By: Sunyveil (3/20/2011 7:50:33 AM)


What happens if i use Armored Acsension on a Mountain he animates?

@Mike C: Hell yeah! Thats a good deal! Koth is only worth $10 now, and the Foil Sword is probably $30, and Tezz makes up for both of them. Vengevine is just a bonus. A $40 bonus.
Posted By: Exclaimer999 (3/20/2011 10:53:14 AM)


@SorianSadaskan, Did you even read the books? SPOILER ALERT- The Glissa fell into the core and died, taking Memnarch with her, the machine he had built did what it was meant to do, but with no one els alive in there the spark went to Slobad, he however, didn't want it, so he released the spark and everyone who died to channel it into him was brought back to life, Glissa and Slobad both lived, but there was no spark. -SPOILER END So i doubt we will be seeing a planeswalker Glissa.

On another note, could you activate his epic when he only had 5 counters on him? i know it would kill him, but it wouldn't be hard to win the moment that happened, so i don't think you would miss him.
Posted By: bijart_dauth (3/28/2011 7:01:42 PM)


I got two of Koth, one normal and one foil, in my very first fat pack (period; I'm pretty new to Magic). I mixed him with the red Event Deck and it's been working quite well so far.
Posted By: unknownwarrior33 (4/23/2011 3:00:39 PM)


His ultimate wins in standard mono-red. p.e.r.i.o.d.
Posted By: AlunJaceImpostor (5/1/2011 5:46:07 PM)


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