The Brahma Bull's about to lay the smack-down on your candy ***! IF YA SMEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
Seriously, he's doing a People's Eyebrow.
That said, this card usually never stays around long due to the threat it possesses. And it's usually Kill On Sight whenever it hits the battlefield in a multiplayer game. But if your opponent can't deal with it, it becomes very dangerous very quickly.
Posted By:
(7/6/2012 10:22:26 AM)
Lots of fun in a sliver deck as it gives him easy evasion to utilize his increasing power.
Posted By:
(2/8/2013 6:02:40 AM)
Not many 3-drops scream "Kill me now!" in multiplayer as much as this friggin thing... I remember a guy dropping one when a couple of us other players were using storm decks. He got it protected and laughed as we all feebly attempted to play our strategies safe while watching his dang bull-thing beef up like none other. We knew he had Fling in his deck, too, so everyone was trying to be the guy not to tick him off... until the storm guys finally just teamed up for a pile of massive Grapeshots and such to the face to break the siege. Good old EDH politics.
Posted By:
(8/4/2013 9:48:09 PM)
that's a whole lot of bull
Posted By:
(2/8/2011 5:26:05 PM)
A red shapeshifting bull...
I wanna cast Mighty Leap on it for some reason.
Posted By:
(1/3/2011 10:32:55 PM)
A very nice card, in my opinion. Your opponents are left with the choice of either spending something to get rid of it/shut it down, or letting it grow into an absolute monster.
And even if they do something that leaves it just sitting on the field staring around like an idiot (like the "can't attack/block" or "doesn't untap" Auras), you can always use it to fuel a spell like Fling. There's nothing quite like killing someone by throwing a cow made of Jello at them.
Posted By:
(9/23/2010 7:24:38 PM)
Awesome in a non-tribal deck with Cryptic Gateway since any two creatures can pull it down and it can be used to help pull in any creature.
Posted By:
(5/23/2011 9:27:09 PM)
In multiplayer with my friends, this is synonymous with KILLITKILLITKILLITWITHFIRE.
Posted By:
(12/23/2011 8:03:49 PM)
Nice to see a Changeling that has actually changed into something. Nice ability to boot.
Posted By:
(12/21/2010 9:28:38 AM)
I don't get the flavor text for this card. Is it saying that it is smart (since gale-force winds are pretty strong), or that it isn't (since they aren't as strong as earthquakes or avalanches)?
Posted By:
(6/15/2012 4:47:50 PM)