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Community Rating: 3.217 / 5  (46 votes)
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Mill is good and a beefy flier with unearth is good, but this is best for milling yourself in dredge-type decks.
Posted By: ClockworkSwordfish (10/31/2010 1:49:57 AM)


a 5/5 flier for 6 mana is black isn't bad.
The mana cost isn't too black-intensive either.
The cheap unearth and the weak mill are both pretty good, too.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (1/11/2011 4:08:50 PM)


I just bought this card with the intention of milling myself.
an opponent I was playing against had one of these and he kept targeting me with it's ability, which is hilarious because he was playing a zombie deck, and so was I....
Posted By: supershawn (3/4/2011 6:36:24 PM)


It's easy to sleep on the value of a surprise unearth, and swinging for 5 in the air hasted, long after he is initially discarded or killed.
Posted By: Equinox523 (5/11/2011 8:16:37 AM)


Was playing a game of Archenemy last week and had this guy sitting on my field when one of my opponents board wiped with a Phyrexian Rebirth. 46 cards later, one of his team mates was on the brink of defeat. I then promptly forgot about this guy's Unearth, causing me to lose the game when I should have won. Remember folks, he's good for more than just his mill ability!
Posted By: Keldane (8/11/2012 12:06:16 PM)


After much deliberation....well alright after about 2 minutes of thought, I have and idea for a crazy jund eldrazi spawn deck with this dude as my dark horse. Effective strategy? Likely not, but the look on my opponent's face when I play this dude after amassing an army of spawns will be so worth it.
Posted By: rydog422 (8/4/2013 6:49:21 PM)


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