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Why the low rating? I know it doesn't produce white mana, but surely it can't be that bad?
Posted By:
(9/8/2010 12:54:35 PM)
I like this card a lot in the duel. Sure, it's obvious, but that basically means your creatures have a virtual +1/+1, since opponents won't block in a way that'll make a difference. E's deck is white-intensive, but this is the only land that doesn't tap for W, so it works out well.
Posted By:
(9/8/2010 1:44:48 PM)
I don't think you get the idea of this card, Evilcheeser. It isn't supposed to be your go to buff turn after turn. Its playability comes from the fact that its a land, and the ability is only to be used late game to put mana into, or other times when you need it. the only downside is that it doesn't produce white mana, but soldiers aren't usually all that mana intensive, so in it goes.
Posted By:
(12/26/2010 10:54:37 AM)
I agree with powerdude. Also, if you're attacking and your opponent is afraid of the pump so his creatures don't die, I say don't even use the ability. Then in your second main phase, cast something relevant with the mana you have left over.
Posted By:
(2/15/2011 9:34:15 AM)
It IS that bad P:
In all seriousness, it's fine in the deck it comes in, but if you, say... wanted to merge parts of that deck with a white deck you already have, it basically loses all value. Leaving two up for a +1/+1? Why not just throw in another glorious anthem or honor of the pure? the EOT and the two mana to use it just make it not do the things that you want it to do.
I suppose it's still kind of viable if your deck doesn't care about plains (or basics) and almost every card is a soldier. . . . Maybe.
Posted By:
(11/18/2010 2:14:50 AM)
Like it for my monowhite soldier commander, really not going to miss that 1 white mana and late game often have mana spare anyway, so no harm.
Posted By:
(7/14/2011 3:46:02 PM)