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Community Rating: 2.000 / 5  (38 votes)
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excellent flavour text!
Posted By: purplesweatshirt (5/12/2010 1:45:44 AM)


Not bad, although, Wall of Vines is usually better.

But, this doesn't have defender.
Good one drop.


EDIT: Wow i'm dumb, this totally can't attack (i must have missed the 'Wall' part...)

and now that ive thought about it, the fact that this dies to a lightning bolt or any other 3 power creature, it really is quite meh.
I guess there are ALOT of better walls out there
More examples of better walls: Steel Wall (Strictly better in almost every way), and Tinder Wall
Shield Sphere also seems like a much better choice because its zero mana... (and by the time it becomes 0/3, Wall of Wood would have probably been dead already
I change my rating to 2/5
Posted By: Fert12334 (3/31/2011 10:05:59 PM)


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