WHY. If you want land gone that bad, (not artifacts, you must have damaged brain tissue to choose this over shatter) you could use a demolish for one less and use that for a lightning bolt, but if you're paying that much, just use rain of salt and take out two lands.
Posted By:
(5/16/2011 9:51:53 AM)
"♪We did it, we did it, we did it!! TRA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA~!!♪"
Posted By:
(5/17/2011 9:34:04 PM)
too much mana for too little effect/ Please, PLEASE, bring back Stone Rain, Winter's Grasp, and or Pillage.
Give players a way to attack Jace decks and the new wave of Deceiver-Twin decks.
Posted By:
(5/18/2011 2:10:18 AM)
I wonder how people would take it if Vapor Snag was 2 CMC instead of one.
I think WotC should've made this 4 CMC (as all of you think) and just go along with it. Or, if anything, they could've taken away the 1 life bonus and gave it metalcraft. Maybe reduce it's CMC by 2 or something.
Make it pretty much equal to Pillage. That'd be nice.
Posted By:
(8/14/2011 12:37:05 PM)
Say anything you want about this card's bang/buck ratio, that's some amazing art/flavor text.
Posted By:
(9/5/2011 5:10:31 AM)
Ah I'm so glad I grabbed some Stone Rains and Boomerangs from 9th gen starter decks a few years ago
Posted By:
(9/9/2011 9:47:11 PM)
No. Just...- no.
Posted By:
(4/22/2012 3:44:25 PM)
WotC: "We hate land destruction, so we're going to make it terrible. We're also going to make some amazing lands that will form the core of one of the top standard decks. That way, you won't have any defense against them! GENIUS!"
Posted By:
(5/7/2012 3:25:41 PM)
This "Lose 1 life" clause is great in Vapor Snag, as it balances itself with the spell's very nature. Here?
Well I suppose they couldn't just make it strictly better than Demolish. 'Cause it's so powerful I guess.
Posted By:
(9/10/2012 4:42:17 PM)
To expensive.
Posted By:
(9/8/2013 11:02:06 AM)