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Well, now you can pop it onto a Goblin Guide and sing for 2 on turn one, 4 on turn two with just him. Personally, I'd just cast 2 more goblin guides because I'd have the mana.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (2/2/2011 9:41:08 AM)


Surprisingly efficient; when this was in print, it was somewhat popular to pop it on some random Goblin and swing for 3 on turn 2. But, it has all the drawbacks of Auras - you need a creature, and open yourself up to a two for one. The +2 toughness mitigates the latter drawback only a tiny bit. Unless you really needed a way to get a quick start like I just described, you were almost always better off with another creature.
Posted By: jeff-heikkinen (8/7/2009 1:05:47 AM)


Aura. And strictly worse than so many other auras. No thanks.

Also, isn't this a bit colorpie-warping? I'd expect something like +3/+0 from red.
Posted By: bay_falconer (3/7/2012 10:08:52 AM)


Dat wonderful flavor text.
Posted By: Goatllama (9/13/2013 7:30:15 AM)


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