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Actually pretty decent, since you choose the card, it nets you lifegain, and you can sift the other two to your graveyard where they could be either retrievable, or even beneficial.

The cost may be a little daunting, but it's the same converted mana cost of Gifts Ungiven. And thus, being an uncommon, it's really not that bad for its time, or for now.
Posted By: Lateralis0ne (5/16/2010 11:38:30 AM)


Reveal a Gleemax.
Posted By: tavaritz (5/18/2012 12:02:21 AM)


On top of that, it's got nice art.
Posted By: Tiggurix (10/31/2010 7:33:29 AM)


Strategic Planning with a lifegain spell attached. Not aggressive, but not bad.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (6/20/2012 2:40:49 AM)


Reveal a Draco. Grin.
Posted By: Salient (8/21/2011 11:50:44 PM)


Braid_of_Fire's Card of the Day #2

Honestly surprised we don't see this very much in EDH. It's in between Telling Time, Ponder, and Strategic Planning and costs at least double of all of the above, but has a combined utility of the three in addition to gaining some life. The instant speed is really what saves the card, because without it, it's not worth a mention, but as is, this card is all-upside, which is worth paying 4 mana for more often than not.

UW has better cards for cube (even the silly and similarly costed Mirrorweave) and this effect needs to be aggressively costed to see play in most constructed formats, but there's nothing wrong with this in Commander, where 5+ lifegain is easy and more useful than the average commander player will admit. Throwing the leftovers in your bin never hurt anyone either.
Posted By: Palochka (9/10/2012 11:34:37 AM)


Almost all portions of this card can be useful:

Sifting: It gets a card into your hand while filtering away two that might not be useful.
Putting 2 cards in the graveyard: It can add to Threshold, or enable graveyard shenanigans, such as Flashback or Unearth.
Life gain: can help you survive a turn or two more against an aggressive opponent.

Of course, it's always hilarious when this turns up Blinkmoth Infusion, Enter the Infinite, or the like.
Posted By: Equinox523 (4/2/2014 9:38:09 AM)


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