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Maybe it's not particularly great, but it's fun, damnit!

Also, I never noticed it was an instant. Intriguing....
Posted By: Kirbster (8/23/2010 5:11:37 PM)


My blue/green deck runs this on it's sideboard and fetches it with Cunning Wish! You don't know what it's like! The mere fact that I can tap (10)(U)(G) at instant speed to have my opponent shit himself is the most gratifying experieces that I've ever had while playing Magic.

Seriously folks. I live for this kind of thing.
Posted By: dberry02 (1/10/2011 8:00:19 PM)


When those three saprolings your opponent left unblocked matter a lot more than he thought.
Posted By: thexmanlight (2/13/2012 10:13:13 AM)


@People saying 9 open mana is suspicious:

I don't know what your playgroup looks like, but in mine, we play our spells second main unless we have a good reason not to. This is both good strategy and common practice in competitive magic. Going to attacks with all your mana open is the norm, not the exception. Sure, attacking with your saprolings into their anything might hint that something's up, but it could just as easily be a Skarrg Goliath (or might of Oaks, if your comment predates Gatecrash), in which case blocking is exactly what you want them to do. And even if they do know it's coming they...block to stop themselves from dying? Last I checked, bonfire of the damned was a good card.

It's completely unplayable in competitive constructed (by virtue of its cost), sure, but nobody is seriously suggesting this card for constructed. It's great in EDH tokens and/or creature swarm, which is exactly where it goes. Niche card, but good one.
Posted By: KramlmarK (3/17/2013 3:01:29 PM)


Yeah, what all you clowns that are saying Titanic Ultimatum and Overrun are better (And now Overwhelming Stampede) are forgetting is that little word on this card INSTANT that allows you to do this AFTER BLOCKERS ARE DECLARED. This card is insane, and green ramps SO MUCH that it is very, very, VERY easy to get 9 mana with green. Use your saved up Omnath mana for it if you want, drop omnath 9 then replace it with a +7/+7 AND EVERY OTHER CREATURE YOU HAVE. This card is bar none the best green field pump in the game and you're a moron if you think otherwise, overrun and titanic ultimatum give your opponents the opportunity to predict what is coming that turn and tap your creatures before attackers are declared. This card is at the very least on par with Titanic Ultimatum and Overrun. Maybe not Overwhelming Stampede, but the fact that this card is an instant is BEAUTIFUL.
Posted By: OpenSeasonNoobs (7/30/2010 5:09:35 AM)


This was my very first rare ever and I built a hilarious saproling deck just to use it in. My friends thought it was OMG SO BORKEN!!!1 but they didn't ban it since I only had one. Ah, those were simpler days...
Posted By: Guest643499915 (1/13/2010 12:16:42 AM)


First when i saw this i was like omfgwtf is this +7/+7 all your creatures? Then i looked at the mana cost and thought its not so very overpower. Definitely a gamewinner when played, if defending player doesn't have that aforementioned fog.
Posted By: Qazior (2/7/2010 10:59:10 AM)


i agree if i had a copy of this in my elf deck it would be a great way to end a game (while it can easily gain life, mana, and creatures out the wazoo, there have been occasions where i have had dificulty getting through a nest of creatures this would easily do just that, first you swing, they decide to block, you then play this and their stuff probobly dies) and thats its offensive ability no one has taken into account that since its an instant it can be used on your defending creatures to buff all of them (they think they are getting a good trade then this drops) and their stuff dies over all i have to say this must be an amazing card in the right deck
Posted By: be-ash (8/27/2010 4:15:49 AM)


Similar to Hold the Line. Only don't cast the latter if you're attacking.
Posted By: LordRandomness (12/28/2011 4:12:08 PM)


The problem is, having 9 mana left open lets your opponent know that you're going to do something.
Posted By: divine_exodus (5/20/2011 5:28:26 PM)


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