One of the first cards you replace in this precon.
Posted By:
(7/5/2011 5:37:07 PM)
this was a poor choice for a three-color precon. still a good card, though.
Posted By:
(6/16/2011 8:27:36 PM)
A 2/4 flier for is playable on its own, the cheap lifegain is gravy.
That said, it does not belong in a 3-color preconstructed deck.
All in all, not a bad card, a nice mana sink for mono-white.
Posted By:
(6/21/2011 12:26:59 AM)
The paradox of this card is, that this is angel for 4 mana, which is good, cuz most of angels are more expensive, but when you play this only for 4 mana, it's just waste, so... You use multikicker cost, and play this card like it would be expensive angel, but it doesn't have skills like other expensive angels, and you get only 2/4 flyer for expensive cost... you know what I mean?
Posted By:
(6/18/2011 5:48:16 AM)
Great creature, especially for limited.
It's too bad that it came in a tri-coloured EDH deck.
Mind you, if you attacked with Kaalia, I think you can pay any amount of the Multikicker when it gets cheated into play (I think).
If not, I do not know why this is in here.
Posted By:
(10/16/2012 12:53:28 PM)
Lovable. I wouldn't build an EDH angel deck without this, especially mono-white. Even if it's underpowered, paying massive amounts to its multikicker is fun. :)
Weird choice for a reprint, though. You wouldn't want to cheat this into play with Kaalia (can't pay multikicker), it doesn't do anything unusual or cool when Oros fires off his ability (any white creature dodges it), and it doesn't do anything for Tariel... the white mana requirement's restrictive, I've gotten 6 life at best.
If you like the kickery feel of Lightkeeper, try Degavolver as a fun -friendly alternative. If you like the mana-dumping, consider Figure of Destiny or Transcendent Master. (All three are good with Oros.) For solid lifegain, try Shattered Angel, Wall of Reverence, or Auriok Champion. (These play well with Oros and Kaalia; the latter two are excellent with Tariel.)
Posted By:
(1/4/2013 11:06:24 AM)
Could you not just play this by using Ancient Zig (disregarding mixing totally different sets and stuff) you should then be able to gain an infinite amount of life, or just play and say "I have 100,000 life, so ya"
Posted By:
(10/14/2013 12:12:21 PM)
The only life point that matters is your last. That said, this can help stave off aggressive decks and give you that little bit more time to gain or maintain control.
Posted By:
(1/19/2014 10:00:42 AM)