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Community Rating: 4.344 / 5  (45 votes)
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That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent I have ever set eyes on.
Posted By: Lord_of_Tresserhorn (3/9/2012 9:16:14 PM)


I like most of Quinton's art. Love this one.
Posted By: Zazzles_88 (11/17/2011 2:30:00 AM)


Always a welcome site in my in my Zedruu the Greathearted Commander deck.
Posted By: ChumleyX (12/8/2012 6:13:20 AM)


I'm not a rabbit... I'm a DRAGON!!! RARARARAAAAA oh wait I'm a rabbit again :(
Posted By: Crag-Hack (6/28/2011 2:19:41 AM)


The combo was to play this card, gain 20 life, and then donate it to your opponent. Then you just bounce it back to your hand, or wait until your opponent can't pay the mana cost, so he loses 20.
Posted By: majinara (7/7/2009 8:31:14 PM)


This + Sanguine Bond = you're opponent is usually dead. Someone used this on me last night and I was toast.

Obviously a key component of the well publicized "Trix" deck, and a lynch-pin in a number of combos. On its own, it is a decent desperation play if you think you can hang on for a few turns.

Posted By: Gaussgoat (3/3/2010 1:25:45 PM)


the trix combo was awesome, but i'm reluctant to give a card a high rating based purely on how it performs with just one or two other cards. "donate," is a great card because magic is literally crammed full of cards with awful drawbacks that you can pin on your opponent. however... there are only ~3 cards i can think of off the top of my head with which illusions of grandeur performs well. it certainly doesn't perform well in any type of deck. i would be surprised if this card had made it into any more than 2 decks total before donate came around. so, it's just OK. The art is incredible, however.
Posted By: gasimakos1 (5/24/2011 8:53:11 PM)


I'd like to try BU-suicide deck with no tutors, but four of these, Donates and Sanguine Bonds and minimal control. This alone buys you two turns where your horde can kill the opponent. SB & this is instawin and so is this, Donate and bounce.
Posted By: tavaritz (5/24/2011 12:15:49 PM)


This right after .
Posted By: OrzhovGhostCouncil (9/26/2010 1:14:38 AM)


why waste time and mana bouncing it, cumulative upkeep 2 won't leave them standing for very long especially if you are mana raping them in the meantime which also slows the game down long enough to get the combo out.
Posted By: supershawn (7/11/2011 10:44:36 PM)


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