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Community Rating: 4.236 / 5  (89 votes)
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Really great card to play against.
Posted By: Dragonshoredreamz (6/20/2013 6:42:38 PM)


this may just tempt me enough to make my mono-black a black and white, but not quite there, unfortunately.

4/5 for being a good card, but too much a specialist and too rare to see good use.
Posted By: Vastator (7/5/2013 5:35:37 PM)


Playing a Trostani, Selesnya's voice EDH deck absolutely requires this card. You pull Trostani out, drop this card, then you can Conjurer's Closet it in and out of play until you have so much pillow fort you can't be killed barring Sorin Markov. If you're also running Rhox Faithmender you can probably get your opponents to scoop before you even have to do anything.
Posted By: MJ_Berry (7/19/2013 9:54:07 AM)


Agonizing demise anyone??
Posted By: Dh2657 (9/24/2013 5:38:35 AM)


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