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Strictly better flavour text than Insurrection.

But yeah, multiplayer.
Posted By: ClockworkSwordfish (5/31/2012 5:48:32 PM)


I like this card. I have a kresh the bloodbraided EDH that uses sac engines like goblin bombardment, altar of dementia, and phyrexian tower. I use a lot of red "gain control of creatures" attack with them, then sac them.
Posted By: MANABURNWASGOOD (6/1/2012 8:23:30 AM)


This should have been in the devour precon instead of the cascade one. OMNOMNOMEVERYONEELSE'SCREATURESNOM
Posted By: Templar314 (6/14/2012 1:12:40 PM)


They weren't kidding when they said they'd print cards specifically for multi-player.
Posted By: Vedalken_Arbiter (5/31/2012 5:24:55 PM)


probably a Fixed Insurrection. Depends on whether you think Insurrection needed fixing, and whether you think comparing this to Drain Life makes any sense whatsoever (for a turn, not only are you gaining creatures but they're losing creatures, so maybe you can get away with Incremental Steal being good enough?)

I wouldn't really be comfortable playing this in a 3-player game- too much chance that someone's board will be too big for stealing two creatures to be a good enough blowout card- one of the players at the table is bound to be playing some kind of rushing army-summoning deck.
In a 5+ player game, you can double your army, and target One guy who is being a problem. You might have to get permission from the table to use this effectively though.

Insurrection IS a little crazy at Multiplayer games though, actually enabling one person to blow up two or more players at once. I like the one that leaves blockers for your army to fight through, but this does... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (10/18/2012 12:37:22 AM)


That awkward moment when you realize your advisors are about to mutiny and put your head on a stick...
This is Red's Blatant Thievery. Since it's until end of turn, having a sac engine handy is a good idea. Why not devour them all?
Posted By: Trygon_Predator (5/31/2012 8:17:20 PM)


Edra, Merfolk Sovereign should be a card, by the way.

Also, I really don't care for this card. I prefer to utilize cards that will benefit in both 1v1 games and multiplayer games. If I have this in an EDH or Planechase deck, somebody challenges me to a 1v1. Now I know that 1/100 cards in my EDH deck won't play well against him, because for that ability, I could get it for 1, but if I draw it now I'll be playing it for considerably more. Murphy's Law says I'll draw it early, too. Not that it's a bad card, but I really prefer cards that will play well in 1v1, and better in multiplayer, instead of really well in multiplayer, but rather poorly in 1v1.
Posted By: Doaj (8/19/2012 10:24:19 PM)


Brion Stoutarm EDH with all the auto-included untap effects! Or anything that lets you sacrifice creatures you control for beneficial effects.
Posted By: Discoduck (9/24/2012 11:02:08 PM)


Groan-worthy flavour text. No-one ever talks like that, unless they're trying to be funny. Of course, the entire point of the flavour text may be that it's just a joke.
Posted By: Tiggurix (9/19/2013 1:58:59 PM)


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