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Community Rating: 4.477 / 5  (22 votes)
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Gets triple use out of amulet of vigor.
Posted By: TPmanW (10/9/2012 9:34:53 PM)


It's very nice to see this classic in a pretty new frame.

It would be even nicer to see this card reappear as part of a horizontal cycle. Just sayin'. :)
Posted By: Salient (12/27/2012 11:31:09 AM)


they should make this a cycle for a core set
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (2/19/2013 7:39:26 PM)


Much better when you realize it's Plains AND Forest.

Yep. Pretty damn good. One should always take note of glorious card advantage. Can be used next to Garruk Wildspeaker as a non-catered way to get it out more quickly. Can be used as just a regular land if need be as well! Ramp/card advantage later when you've secured the board!
Posted By: blurrymadness (5/28/2013 10:09:17 AM)


What's useful about this card over ones that search for basic lands is its ability to fetch things like shock lands, Murmuring Bosk, and Dryad Arbor.
Posted By: Khazpar (12/3/2013 1:08:34 AM)


This card could have a big red stamp on it that says "LANDFALL."
Posted By: lorendorky (6/1/2012 1:41:21 PM)


A convoluted, color-specific version of, "{3}: Search your library for a basic land and put it on the battlefield tapped." With the added bonus of only being able to play one of 'em per turn and not being able to activate it on the same turn you play it, usually. That being said, I like it.
Posted By: daverapp (8/24/2012 2:02:08 PM)


I'm torn between harrow and this land.

Harrow's issue is counterspell as you sacrifice a land as part of the casting. Early harrow is awesome, but when it's countered, it's like losing two turns.

But harrow has a couple benefit, you get the basic land you want, and paired with emerald medaillon harrow is crazy. Last benefit, you can use it the turn you draw it, and the land you get are untapped, so you can still cast a 2 mana spell.

Posted By: AlBout (1/17/2013 7:09:17 PM)


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